Monsieur Alfred MULLER

Resident at Blaesheim (67113, France)
Born in Blaesheim (67113, France) on 27 January 1932
Died in Strasbourg (67000, France) on 17 October 2024 at the age of 92 years
Spouse of Madame Marie Madeleine MULLER
1 memory tree planted (226 kg of CO2 absorbed)  (18 October 2024)
Espace condoléances (18 October 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, Centre funéraire de Strasbourg
15, rue de l'Ill
67000 Strasbourg (France)

Église protestante de Blaesheim of Blaesheim on Thursday 24 October at 14 hours

67113 Blaesheim (France)

cimetière Rue de la montagne de Blaesheim on Thursday 24 October at 15 hours 30

67113 Blaesheim (France)

See also :