Pompes Funèbres Publiques & Marbrerie

17 Rue des Bouchers
67000    Strasbourg (France)

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Photo 870384Monsieur Didier GENIQUEMonsieur Didier GENIQUE
of Schiltigheim (67300, France)
+ 13/09/1958 - 10/03/2025
Photo 869706Monsieur Guy MAECHLERMonsieur Guy MAECHLER
of Strasbourg (67100, France)
+ 26/12/1945 - 06/03/2025
Photo 870252Madame Marie MIRDJANIANMadame Marie MIRDJANIAN
of Oberschaeffolsheim (67203, France)
+ 10/11/1931 - 06/03/2025
Photo 869529Anny HEISSLERAnny HEISSLER
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 22/12/1923 - 03/03/2025
Photo 868885Monsieur Bertrand ZAUGGMonsieur Bertrand ZAUGG
of Strasbourg (67100, France)
+ 31/12/1943 - 03/03/2025
Photo 868331Madame Liliane FLUHRMadame Liliane FLUHR
of Oberhausbergen (67205, France)
+ 20/09/1945 - 26/02/2025
Photo 868064Madame Jeanne GEISSLERMadame Jeanne GEISSLER
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 07/08/1943 - 24/02/2025
Photo 867195Monsieur Bruno DUQUENOYMonsieur Bruno DUQUENOY
of Strasbourg (67200, France)
+ 06/08/1969 - 19/02/2025
Photo 866329Madame Georgette BERJOTMadame Georgette BERJOT
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 02/10/1922 - 16/02/2025
Photo 866757Madame Ameena RAFOMadame Ameena RAFO
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 01/07/1927 - 14/02/2025
Photo 867372Madame Emma ANTHONYMadame Emma ANTHONY
of Souffelweyersheim (67460, France)
+ 01/04/1932 - 13/02/2025
Photo 864619Madame Josine KRESSMadame Josine KRESS
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 26/09/1930 - 04/02/2025
Photo 864209Madame Maria PANIAGUAMadame Maria PANIAGUA
of Illkirch-Graffenstaden (67400, France)
+ 29/02/1968 - 02/02/2025
Photo 864429Monsieur Francis MAHRMonsieur Francis MAHR
of Illkirch-Graffenstaden (67400, France)
+ 27/04/1946 - 31/01/2025
Photo 863712Monsieur Pascal DITSCHMonsieur Pascal DITSCH
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 22/07/1959 - 23/01/2025
Photo 863480Madame Raymonde WEHRLEMadame Raymonde WEHRLE
of Strasbourg (67200, France)
+ 11/09/1962 - 23/01/2025
Photo 861761Madame Fernande FENDMadame Fernande FEND
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 24/09/1931 - 22/01/2025
Photo 862069Monsieur Alain MÜHLMonsieur Alain MÜHL
of Bassemberg (67220, France)
+ 12/02/1958 - 22/01/2025
Photo 860466Monsieur Francis GROSMonsieur Francis GROS
of Illkirch-Graffenstaden (67400, France)
+ 09/02/1957 - 15/01/2025
Photo 860373Madame Berthe RIMMELINMadame Berthe RIMMELIN
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 01/07/1928 - 13/01/2025
Photo 863708Monsieur Tahar GHOZZIMonsieur Tahar GHOZZI
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 20/11/1939 - 12/01/2025
Photo 858491Madame Eliane HEIBYMadame Eliane HEIBY
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 11/01/1948 - 06/01/2025
Photo 858347Monsieur Guy HILBERTMonsieur Guy HILBERT
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 23/03/1940 - 06/01/2025
Photo 857104Monsieur Denis PARICHONMonsieur Denis PARICHON
of Strasbourg (67000, France)
+ 14/11/1944 - 01/01/2025