PF Vassart Claudel

9 avenue de Verdun
55700    Stenay (France)

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Photo 870023Madame Alix MOUZON born VRIETMadame Alix MOUZON born VRIET
of Brieulles-sur-Meuse (55110, France)
+ 17/11/1935 - 10/03/2025
Photo 866075Monsieur Daniel OBERWEISMonsieur Daniel OBERWEIS
of Sivry-sur-Meuse (55110, France)
+ 06/09/1960 - 14/02/2025
Photo 865979Monsieur Daniel HUARDMonsieur Daniel HUARD
of Brieulles-sur-Meuse (55110, France)
+ 14/01/1938 - 13/02/2025
Photo 866039Monsieur Albert MOUTONMonsieur Albert MOUTON
of Consenvoye (55110, France)
+ 18/09/1940 - 13/02/2025
Photo 865794Monsieur Michel BERNARDMonsieur Michel BERNARD
of Barricourt (08240, France)
+ 25/04/1949 - 11/02/2025
Photo 864292Monsieur Jean BAUDETTEMonsieur Jean BAUDETTE
of Dun-sur-Meuse (55110, France)
+ 30/11/1935 - 04/02/2025
Photo 862974Monsieur Daniel LEHURAUXMonsieur Daniel LEHURAUX
of Milly-sur-Bradon (55110, France)
+ 19/01/1933 - 29/01/2025
Photo 860764Monsieur Michel BLOUETMonsieur Michel BLOUET
of Beauclair (55700, France)
+ 05/04/1948 - 19/01/2025
Photo 860763Madame Danielle FRAGAMadame Danielle FRAGA
of Beaufort-en-Argonne (55700, France)
+ 12/03/1959 - 18/01/2025
Photo 858367Madame Christiane COLINMadame Christiane COLIN
of Dun-sur-Meuse (55110, France)
+ 09/05/1947 - 07/01/2025
Photo 856842Monsieur Michel BAROTTEMonsieur Michel BAROTTE
of Vilosnes-Haraumont (55110, France)
+ 20/06/1952 - 30/12/2024
Photo 856478Monsieur Gérard CLEMENTMonsieur Gérard CLEMENT
of Montigny-devant-Sassey (55110, France)
+ 03/11/1949 - 29/12/2024
Photo 857059Monsieur Guy FIEVETMonsieur Guy FIEVET
of Châlons-en-Champagne (51000, France)
+ 31/12/1955 - 28/12/2024