La Maison des Obsèques - Ets Dauger

106-108 avenue Aristide Briand
79200    Parthenay (France)

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Photo 840323Monsieur Michel DELIONMonsieur Michel DELION
of Le Tallud (79200, France)
+ 24/09/1952 - 18/09/2024
Photo 840038Monsieur Stéphane BARBAUDMonsieur Stéphane BARBAUD
of Sainte-Néomaye (79260, France)
+ 20/03/1966 - 03/09/2024
Photo 839620Monsieur Jean-Yves DABARDMonsieur Jean-Yves DABARD
of Mauze Thouarsais (79100, France)
+ 30/04/1956 - 11/09/2024
Photo 838038Monsieur Michel ALLARDMonsieur Michel ALLARD
of La Peyratte (79200, France)
+ 28/08/1937 - 02/09/2024
Photo 837966Monsieur Michel ARCOURTMonsieur Michel ARCOURT
of Saint Pardoux (79310, France)
+ 09/10/1931 - 29/08/2024
Photo 837807Monsieur Louis REYMONDMonsieur Louis REYMOND
of La Crèche (79260, France)
+ 30/09/1941 - 31/08/2024
Photo 837697Monsieur Raymond LEPROVOSTMonsieur Raymond LEPROVOST
of Châtillon-sur-Thouet (79200, France)
+ 12/05/1924 - 27/08/2024
Photo 837424Monsieur Jean-Pierre PAULMonsieur Jean-Pierre PAUL
of Saint-Aubin-le-Cloud (79450, France)
+ 09/11/1949 - 26/08/2024
Photo 837400Monsieur Roger GUÉRINMonsieur Roger GUÉRIN
of Parthenay (79200, France)
+ 12/12/1931 - 27/08/2024
Photo 837031Monsieur Robert LUTTIAUMonsieur Robert LUTTIAU
of Saint-Marc-la-Lande (79310, France)
+ 26/01/1949 - 24/08/2024
Photo 837030Monsieur René AYRAULTMonsieur René AYRAULT
of Parthenay (79200, France)
+ 12/10/1930 - 23/08/2024
Photo 834972Monsieur Guy VOYERMonsieur Guy VOYER
of Parthenay (79200, France)
+ 02/03/1942 - 09/08/2024
Photo 832187Monsieur Claude VOUHÉMonsieur Claude VOUHÉ
of Parthenay (79200, France)
+ 07/04/1947 - 21/07/2024
Photo 830315Monsieur René ROBINMonsieur René ROBIN
of Airvault (79600, France)
+ 05/03/1942 - 05/07/2024
Photo 830262Monsieur Lionel BELYMonsieur Lionel BELY
of Sainte-Néomaye (79260, France)
+ 08/11/1955 - 06/07/2024
Photo 829118Madame Cindy GIRARDMadame Cindy GIRARD
of La Ferrière-en-Parthenay (79390, France)
+ 02/09/2003 - 21/06/2024
Photo 828062Madame Sophie GACHIGNARDMadame Sophie GACHIGNARD
of Saint-Maixent-l'École (79400, France)
+ 19/02/1968 - 20/06/2024